Last night I bucked the system. Dodged the trend. Rebelled.
I went to the studio on the hill instead of going to bed. I stayed until 2am and was extremely productive. I sang to my music; made rubbings of a Greek "ruin" (okay, I found it in the driveway here, but it's still a ruin and it's from Greece); started three artist books; and tried not to let the wind spook me as it banged any one of more than twenty loose shutters against the building. Some of you know how easily I can get spooked at night, but I was too into my work to care about monsters climbing out of the Aegean and up the hill like the Son of Blob. (Ha.)
So, when I made it back to my apartment and lay my head on my pillow, I truly could say, I am sleepy. What a great feeling to have again. Cool, soft pillow, too tired to think, pleasantly exhausted from climbing hills all day like a goat. . .
When I awakened, it was 11am. 2am-11am seems to be my reliable sleep schedule at the moment. It's 9pm at the moment, so I'm about to leave you to work on art downstairs. Have a great afternoon.
Studio - not scary
I'm so glad you are starting to find your rhythm in this new place. How different it must be from Albuquerque--or West Virginia! Are you enjoying new foods? Or longing (yet) for french fries and ketchup? I imagine excellent goat's milk cheese, yogurt, and fish. Love, Nita Sue
This photograph is unmistakably you. I also LOVE the film of the wave washing over the pebbles.
What is the weather like there? did you dip your toes into that cold water?
Looking forward to reading your next entry.
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