Friday, September 21, 2007

Still Untangling

After talking to Matt about this project last night, I had thought I'd just bring the line home and continue untangling it there.  However, when I came in to work today, I knew I had to keep going.  This should be untangled here, though I don't know just why yet.

I have to say, it's a bit intruiging to see the translucent green line create small caverns, and to determine just where the line is that I'm trying to work on at the moment so I can pull it through.  (I know, not everyone would be intrigued by that.  But I'm pushing toward a final goal, so that helps.)  I'm working on the micro scale, up close, and then I have to continually balance that out by loosening the overall mess on the macro scale.  It's getting easier to work with.  Slightly.  I take what I can get.

This thing may be as large as a whale when I'm done.  I've never worked on this scale.  I'm dwarfed.  It's humbling and alluring all at once. 

Last night, I ran home in the rain.  Without Amanda.  Oh, well.  It was torrential and didn't let up all night, so there never would have been a good time to brave it.  I was up all night because of wind that even a New Mexican might find disconcerting (that's saying a lot).  I actually slept fully clothed, flashlight on the nightstand, passport and key and cell phone nearby.  That was at 5am.  What's more, today, Day 2 of the storm, is no different from last night except the rain is lighter.  Some parts of this studio building I'm working in have no natural light or are darkened by clouds, so I am thrown, trying to remember if it's night or afternoon, last night or a new day.

The storm outside and the storm of filament are paralleling each other.  I suppose if I hurry up and untangle the rest of it, the sky will clear?  I'll try and see.

Oh, wait.  There is no hurrying. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Amy...As Dad would say...It is what it is.   Sometimes we have to untangle things to begin anew.  Love, Mom Carter